Malay Pantun

Tenun Kain Dengannya Kapas
Warna Corak Bermacam Ragi
Perahu Lilin Layar Kertas
Cuba Melanggar Lautan Api

Friday 26 February 2016

The Test Drive

After a few email exchanges with Dan the owner of Relax Lah, a test drive was arranged at the Changi Sailing Club early March 2014. Dan, Asri (my cousin) and myself took the boat out in the waters off Pulau Ubin.
Dan had owned Relax Lah for 8 years mainly for cruising around Singapore where he is active in the local racing circuit. About 18 months before our meeting, he did a haulout, stripped her bare and did a total refit. Just at work was being completed, Dan got his marching orders from his bosses to repatriate back to the States and that was the reason he was selling the boat
I had an instant liking for the boat. I find it very stable and seaworthy. Even in 5-10 kts winds it was already doing about 5 kts. Dan's refit has made the boat suitable for single handed sailing (sailing with minimum crew). The equipment and sails were in great condition. There is a certain simpleness to this boat. But it ticked all my boxes.
Told Dan that I will make my calculations and within a week I made an offer, conditional upon a test drive with the family and a haulout to inspect the bottom of the boat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I stumbled upon an advertisement selling a sail boat in Singapore ( dated July 2016 which looked exactly like your boat Relah Lah.
    Are you trying to sell it?
    I couldn't get in touch with the person who posted the ad.
    Sorry if you find it intrusive here. Just trying my luck posting as a comment in your blog.
