On the charts, the journey from Sebana Cove to Tioman covers 120nm. Since we cud be doing an average of 5 knots, it should take 24 hours non-stop. We made plans to pick up fuel along the way at Tanjong Leman Jetty. With the inflatable in tow and 4 full tanks of fuel, we motored out into Sungai Santi on Sunday 23/7/2017 around 1830.
We rounded Tg Pengeleh around 2000 hrs. That was about the time I went into the cabin to catch some sleep. There were three of us and a big area to cover. I figured we each needed to take turns at the helm. Captain Zuki was at the helm first and Azmil was keeping him company.
I woke up when we were rounding Pulau Lima and turning north. Made two cups of Nescafe, one for me and the other for Captain Zuki. Azmil had gone below while I was sleeping. That night, the moon age was 29 days. Stars were out in full force. I tried to locate the constellations I was familiar with when sailing in England, like Orion and the Big Dipper but could not find them. Later on, I found out that these would not appear at lower latitudes that time of the year. Captain Zuki told me that we could actually hug the coast and stay between Desaru and Pulau Lima. Earlier I had thought this route was risky as I have sailed around these groups of islands and found rocky outcrops around them.
Around midnight, I found Captain Zuki helming with his eyes closed. I guess being the son of a Kemaman fisherman plus having spent all his life at sea, he must have developed this special talent of helming while sleeping! No doubt he was using the feel of wind on his cheeks to give him the reference direction. When I accidentally knocked the engine into neutral gear and it suddenly roared, Captain Zuki jumped up while continuing to steer in the same direction.
I took over the helm from midnight till day break, when Azmil joined us at the cockpit. Azmil took over. We found that the inflatable that we had in tow was filling up with water and was slowing us down. I told Captain Zuki that the way the tow line was set up kept the front of the inflatable downwards and therefore water kept seeping in. We pulled the inflatable near so that Captain Zuki can get on board and bail water out. He then changed the configuration of the tow line such that the front is slightly pointing upwards.
It was about noon that we reached Tanjung Leman Jetty (N 02° 09.114' E 104° 00.322'). By now we had been motoring for about 12 hours and have used up two tanks of gasoline. There is a fuel shop at the jetty where you can fill up your jerrycans, if you call in your reservations to Shahril Ibrahim (+6013-733-7631). The jetty is used for commuters going to Pulau Sibu. In addition to the food stalls, there is also a KFC. Since the jetty is a busy one, and there were no place to tie up Relax Lah, Azmil and I jumped off to do errands while Captain Zuki stayed on board close to the jetty.
Having spent about an hour for the fuel and food at Tanjung Leman, we left around high tide with 4 full tanks of Unleaded Gasoline 95. I decided that it was time to put on sails, in addition to the engine. We were chased and overtaken by ominous clouds and thunder as we sailed past Pulau Sibu and Pulau Tinggi. When rain finally reached us, the surrounding seas turned white. We were thankful that the lightning and rain subsided with a whimper.
Captain Zuki and Azmil left on the 7 am ferry to Mersing on the next day. I sent them off at the Tioman Jetty and came back to Relax Lah - still tied up to a fishing boat, to wait for a more permanent berth. One by one the tour, diving and fishing boats left the marina. Around 10am I single-handedly brought Relax Lah into a suitable berth and tied it up. I then went to the marina office and paid the mooring marina fees for the coming two months.
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